We support

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In order to establish a culture of integrity, Green Oleo adheres to the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact.

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Al fine di stabilire una cultura dell’integrità, Green Oleo aderisce ai Ten Principles dello UN Global Compact.

Ten Principles and SDG Wheel white transparent 1

Green Oleo joins the UN Global Compact

Green Oleo previous expressed its intention to join the United Nations Global Compact: the world’s largest strategic corporate citizenship initiative, which stems from the desire to promote a sustainable global economy that respects human and labour rights, environmental protection and the fight against corruption. It finally confirmed its adherence to the Compact in 2023, following plans originally made in 2022.

Our principles

Protection of Human Rights

In the performance of its work, the Company undertakes to protect human rights and not to be complicit in the commission of human rights abuses by third parties in accordance with Principles 1 and 2 of the Ten Principles adopted by the UN Global Compact.

Equality and impartiality

In the management of the various corporate activities and in all related decisions, the individuals in Green Oleo must operate impartially in the best interests of the Company, taking decisions with professional rigor and objectivity according to objective and neutral evaluation criteria.

Value of the person and human resources

The Company protects the value of the human person, as Green Oleo does not tolerate any discriminatory conduct or any form of harassment or personal or sexual harm.

Health and safety at work

Green Oleo promotes and guarantees the health and safety at work of its employees and all those who access its offices and workplaces.

Environmental protection

The Company promotes production policies that reconcile the requirements of economic development and value creation, inherent to business activities, with the need to respect and safeguard the environment and sustainability.

Observance of laws

In the work performed for the Company, conduct is characterised by the strictest compliance with national, EU and international laws.

Professionalism and reliability

All the Company’s activities are carried out with diligence and professionalism. All Green Oleo’s people are therefore called upon to carry out their activities with a commitment commensurate with the responsibilities entrusted to them, protecting the Company’s reputation and image.

Loyalty and good faith

In the performance of its professional activities, the Company requires loyalty, respect and conduct in good faith, as well as the fulfilment of contractual obligations and required services, in compliance with the rules and directives issued.

Transparency and fairness

The actions, operations, negotiations and, more generally, the behaviour of Green Oleo’s human resources are inspired by the utmost transparency and fairness.


The Company ensures the confidential management of the information in its possession and refrains from using the confidential data of third parties, except in the case of express and conscious authorisation and, in any case, always in strict compliance with current legislation on the protection of personal data.

Prevention of Conflict of Interest

Conflict of interest situations must be avoided in the conduct of business. Conflict of interest is understood to be when an interest other than the Company’s corporate mission is pursued, or activities are performed that may, in any case, interfere with the ability to make decisions in the exclusive interest of the Company, or one personally takes advantage of the Company’s business opportunities.

Protection of competition

Being aware that a healthy and correct competition system contributes to continuous improvement and development, the Company observes the current competition rules and refrains from implementing or encouraging behaviour that may constitute forms of unfair competition.

Product quality and safety

The Company pays attention to the quality, safety and reliability of its products in order to achieve customer satisfaction, and it is therefore essential that the procedures of the quality management system are followed.

Fighting corruption

Based on Principle 10 of the Ten Principles adopted by the United Nations Global Compact, the Company fights against all forms of corruption, including extortion.

Intellectual Property Protection

In implementing the principle of compliance with the law, the Company ensures compliance with the internal, EU and international rules protecting intellectual property.

Whistleblowing protection

In implementation of the above principles and with the aim of raising the level of honesty and morality in Green Oleo, the Company uses dedicated tools to promote the reporting of unlawful activities and protects whistleblowers from any form of retaliation and/or discriminatory acts, guaranteeing their confidentiality.